Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sustainable steps: Ecosystem services to be incorporated into business

The responsible investment company GES Investment Services is engaged into developing a new index that will measure companies ecosystem preformance. With the help of World Resources Institutes analyze tool Corporate Ecosystem Review (CER) GES Investment Services takes one step further into shifting the focus of the business sector on end-of-pipe solutions and environmental management standards towards the holistic fact of companies dependency of well-functioning ecosystems. The index will then serve capital investors at the time of investment decision making.

"If we considered the Earth a company, then we would have a capital destruction of 60%", said Cecilia Procopé Repinski, GES Investment Services.

1 comment:

Ian smith said...

The Sustainable Development Update (SDU) focuses on the links between ecology, society and the economy"If we considered the Earth a company, then we would have a capital destruction of 60%", GES Investment Services.

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