Friday, November 27, 2009

Planetary boundaries

Johan Rockström presented today at a seminar at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise his latest work together with international collegues; Planetary Boundaries - an explaration of the safe operating space for humanity. In this fascinating and fully-holistical piece of scientific work many important key-insights are presented. The study treats nine planetary boundaries which, being trespassed, the resilience of the Earth as a system is alarmingly undermined. Results show that 3 out of 9 planetary boundaries, climate change, the biogeochemical nitrogen-cycle and biodiversity have been passed the limit of safe operating space.

What can be learned from this important contemporary holistical screening of the planets ecosystemservice functions?

First and foremost, the climate negotiations need to take into account the function of ecosystems and biodiversity as an essential aspect as they help to mitigate climate change.

Secondly, at the longer perspective, we need really to start thinking to modify our economical system. The current driving forces in the economical system are central aspects of unsustainability. We need to transform the economical system so as to be integrated with the ecological, biophysical boundaries the planet poses. We need to understand that the economy is completely dependent on healthy ecosystems.

What a marvelous piece of human history. We can co-create and co-transform the way society is designed, re-value our relationship to time and money and become more cultural so as to replace our dysfunctional cosumption-oriented lifestyle.

Let´s do this.

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