Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Forza Italia!

No, its not South America, Southeast Asia or Africa - the picture is taken in Italy. An industrial country, part of the G8.

The situation is not much better in Greece, Spain, the balkans and the eastern european countries.

Effective recycling management dramatically reduces the usage of raw materials and energy which directly facilitiates the Kyoto protocol targets and the European Unions immidate target of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% year 2020.

Forza Italia
Forza Europa!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Focusing on necessary questions, 1

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Billion of dollars are invested in this technology believed to function as a sustainable solution for the energy sector.

To what degree should we depend on fossile fuels in our sustainable society? (CCStored coal can lead to devasted consequences due to the massive pressure it gives rise to as well as fatal acidification of watersheds)

Should not the focus be on completely renewable energy sources + radical energy efficiencies + essential future lifestyle changes towards decreased energy consumption coupled to an massive world population growth?