Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Go Sweden! And do more!

In todays "Godmorgon Sverige", Swedish National Television, there was a brief but interested panel debate concerning the great climate and energy package officially released by the European commission today. And the targets are not only tough, but also differentiated depending on the economical situation of the respective countries. Now keep in mind that the European Union has quite high expectations globally as the Union is viewed as a concerned and proactive political power zone in climate politics. Keep in mind the rough and strong position the European Union had towards the States during the recent UN Climate Conference on Bali.

So the challanges are huge. Especially for rich countries within the European Union (reed: Germany, France, Belgium, Italy and UK) to start achieving set targets of climate gas emission reductions. Because, in order for the European Union to show leadership in this important and alerting issue (radical changes are to be done within 15 years so as not to upset the climate system before tipping points arrive), the individual rich countries need to be in resonance.

For Sweden, the case is different. We cannot forget that every country has different prerequisists for these reduction targets. So Sweden can consider itself very lucky being placed in a corner of the world where inland stream-water is rich, securing a renewable energy system. And of course this fact is fast to be used by the politician in place: Maud Olofsson, center party leader of Sweden, said - Sweden is great. With green energy licences, energy-effectiviness of companies, district heating powered by solid waste, installed wind and water power installations and "environmental" cars selling great are making international delegates impressed. And the environmental minister in Bryssels is smiling, explaining that he is proud that Sweden is showing the way. Go Sweden!

The transport sector, the transport sector, that is the problematic area of Sweden sais Maud. And, as Erika Bjerström, European correspondent for STV, said, Sweden has the oldest and heaviest car park of the whole Union. Swallowing enormous amounts of fuel. Of course this sector will be under construction during the coming years of climate politics. Go Sweden!

But the global bell rings higher than this.
What about the average natural capital consumption per capita in Sweden (not to say globally)? Why is the political scene expressing more or less solely energy-effectiviness, biofuels and cap and trade systems when we have a whole Earth in change? Not only climate change, but global change (recall Prof. Will Steffen at Think Globally Radio 071104) - meaning how much of productive land and water we need to carry up our consumption behaviour primarily in the West, that is, what we use and what we discard. Keep in mind ecosystem service stress (70 % of fishing stocks overfished, 30-40% of all land living organisms extinct in a couple of years and water sheds drying out in many parts of the world). If everyone in th world lived as Swedes, there would need to be: 3.5 Earths. Go Sweden! And do more!


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