Monday, January 28, 2008

Potential EU and US climate plans surprisingly similar

A Washington Post editorial concisely compares surprisingly similar action plans that are on the table in the EU and US. The EU plan calls for emission reductions 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, while the US plan would reduce emissions 20% below 2005 levels by 2020. Both plans would introduce an increasing percentage of auctioned emission caps, and both rely to a large extent on biofuels, certainly something to be concerned about.

Both plans face significant obstacles, the US plan perhaps more formidable ones. But it shows that despite the climate pariah status the United States has earned for itself under the Bush administration, there are those with concrete ideas that are pushing for action on global warming.

Accessing the editorial requires logging in, something well worth doing to access all the excellent free content on the Washington Post website if you are interested in American politics.

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