Friday, January 25, 2008

Sustainable business approach?

This recent advertisment of a domestic and inter-european Swedish commercial airline (translation: EUROPE FOR ALL!) is causing some reactions.

The symbolism of a red glove and the tied fist belonging to someone giving loud orders directly gives socialistic or communistic associations. It becomes ironic to recall Ryanair, a low-budget airliner, infamous for its inhuman corporate ethics during training of flight staff. That approach implies a minimum of ethical and social considerations in the business model. And surely, its not quite complicated to understand that low budget airline tickets, as is the case of this advertisment, implies effective cost-reductions at every possible business front - including staff wages and very long working hours. The double moral becomes obvious; Europe for all "class retorics" does not go hand in hand with the most fair treatment of their own staff workers labour rights. And the climate system specifically, and the global environment overall, are somehow, over the advertisment symbolics, sacrificed, so that as many consumers as possible, and as cheap as possible, can fly to a European city over any given weekend...

This is tempting,
but is it sustainable? Or even secure for societies/economies/environments/individuals?

Find out if, when we in TGR discuss the polar bear situation with the polar bear expert Tom Arnbom this Sunday the 27th. See below post!


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