Monday, January 14, 2008

Proof: CSR = profitable

In todays Svenska Dagbladet´s (SvD) business section, a big article based on a recent study and book conducted and written by Lars Hassel, professor in accounting and auditing at the University of Umeå, has proven the, for some still doubtable; being social and environmental responsible in business increases the profit of the corporation. Corporations that have actively engaged in CSR have increased their profitability and stock exchange value in contrast to comparative companies without sustainable action.

Corporations and companies that still resist modifying their values to accept the fact that their activities are impacting the environment impress me. Shifting into a sustainable and clean course basically means sacrificing some of old (comfortable) habits in order to be more responsible to the common natural capital from which everything derives and to which all is thrown away. The time has come to change. To all corporations - do it!

And most importantly, dont hesitate!


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